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King Zephyrhillius has lots of power, but not the physical kind.  His arms are thin, he's getting a bit flabby, and he thinks it's time to find a queen.  He picked up an intergalactic fitness magazine and saw a picture of an earth man with great abs.  The article was written by a personal trainer.  That's when the King called his reliable green servant, Buzzgorp.


There is more to the story.  In the 18 years since Buzzgorp had an earthly experience of the flesh, his hybrid son had an opportunity to study exercise science and physiology.  He sat for an NSCA certification, and when he heard Phil Kaplan was offering his Platform program for only $9 a month . . . he jumped at the chance.  With his newfound knowledge, he brought Personal Training to his rightful home and while his Dad helped the planet find better smiles, he helped the entire planet find optimal health and fitness.

This story may or may not be true (if it is, the names were changed to protect the innocent), but what is true, albeit hard to believe, is that for a limited time you can join the Platform, a program valued at thousands of dollars, for only $9 a month with no obligation.  You may not lead an alien planet to a new height of physical excellence, but . . . you can learn to excel on prosper on whatever planet you're living on.  Join the Platform now.