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P Career Conquest - December 18, 2012...

Posted on: Dec 18, 2012

 Touch, Compel, Capture, Thrill and how it ties into the Reach, the Funnel, and the Spillover

P Platinum Call #7 - Assessing the First Milestone...

Posted on: Dec 14, 2012

 Personal Coaching for four members allows insights into pursuing milestones and the value of lessons learned.

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Posted on: Dec 04, 2012

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Posted on: Dec 02, 2012

P Career Conquest - November 20, 2012...

Posted on: Nov 23, 2012

 A discussion on Influence

P Phil Kaplan Interviews Jordan Rubin - The Food We Eat...

Posted on: Nov 22, 2012

 Phil Interviews Health Expert and founder of Beyond Organic Jordan Rubin days before Thanksgiving.  Jordan shares insights related to the supposed "health" of health foods and the inner workings of the food industry.  Powerful.

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Posted on: Nov 16, 2012

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Posted on: Nov 03, 2012

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Posted on: Oct 27, 2012

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Posted on: Oct 19, 2012

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Posted on: Oct 10, 2012

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Posted on: Oct 05, 2012

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Posted on: Sep 27, 2012

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Posted on: Sep 21, 2012

P Career Conquest - Call #05 - 09-11-12...

Posted on: Sep 12, 2012

 Ego - friend or foe?

P Career Conquest - Call #03, August 14, 2012...

Posted on: Aug 30, 2012


P Career Conquest - Call #04, August 28, 2012...

Posted on: Aug 29, 2012

 On the topic of Completion.

P ...

Posted on: Jul 18, 2012

P Every Trainer Needs to Know - Phil Kaplan w/David Herbert, A...

Posted on: Sep 30, 2011

 David Herbert is an attorney who has first hand experience in addressing the legal side of our field.  35 years of experience in the field has brought him to address wrongful injury, wrongful death, and various issues realted to professional competence.  In this insightful discussion he shares information on Scope of Practice, Risk Assessment, and Standard of Care, all vital terms for Personal Trainers to recognize and understand.

P Be Better 2012 - Call #1, May 18, 2011 - Frustration, Anger,...

Posted on: May 18, 2011

 This is the introductory call for Be Better 2012.  It addresses emotion and gaining control over those negative emotions we try to avoid so that we can use them as fuel.  It also shares the strategies behind the Max 10 Time Ownership system.

P EPTNTK - Phil Kaplan Interviews Dr. Daniel Pompa...

Posted on: May 07, 2011

Dr. Daniel Pompa is on a mission - to help the medical community understand that almost every diagnosed condition is the results of cellular damage and systemic inflammation.  In this interview he shares his personal experience and the all-important revelations people need to understand if they're going to get or stay well in the 21st century.

P Every Personal Trainer - Phil Kaplan Interviews Dr. DelRae M...

Posted on: Sep 26, 2010

 She's a chiropractor, bikini model, Crossfit instructor, and has an extraordinary understanding of the challenges that plague our population.  Dr. DelRae Messer ( is someone you want to listen to if you have the slightest bit of interest in helping clients find true health.

P Every Trainer Needs to Know - Phil Kaplan w/Dr. Anthony Abbo...

Posted on: Sep 17, 2010

 Dr. Abbott is the founder of Fitness Institute (, a certification preparation program that has received the highest acclaim and esteem.  He presently acts in the role of expert witness in legal trials related to personal training negligence.  In this interview he shares his perspectives and experiences with the intention of creating higher standards for competence in our field.

P Every Trainer Needs to Know - Phil Kaplan w/ Anthony Almada ...

Posted on: Sep 06, 2010

 Anthony Almada is one of the most respected biochemists and researchers in the sports nutrition field.  He was instrumental in bringing creatine monohydrate to the marketplace and has since held tightly to the science rather than getting swept away in the hype used to sell and promote supplements. His insights will serve any and all personal trainers faced with the "what supplements work" question in the course of conducting their businesses.

P Every Trainer Needs to Know - Phil Kaplan w/ J.J. Virgin PhD...

Posted on: Aug 18, 2010

 Phil speaks to celebrity nutrition and wellness expert JJ Virgin, the co-star of the new TLC primetime reality series, Freaky Eaters.  J.J. explains how she became an in-demand public speaker and best-selling author (Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy, The 5-Step Plan to Sleek, Strong and Sculpted Arms) but more importantly, has some strong opinions about the common practices and attitudes of personal trainers.